Artisan I: Systematic Approach to Bread

Learn the details of mixing, fermenting, shaping, and baking bread in this essential introductory course. The course covers baker’s math, ingredient selection and function, how mixing affects fermentation, and other bread baking fundamentals. Both enthusiasts and professionals gain a deep understanding of the baking process. This course explains in detail the 10 major steps bread […]


Artisan II: Baking Sourdough, Levain and Wild Yeast

Build on essential skills learned in Artisan I in this intermediary workshop. Artisan II focuses on the intricacies of sourdough. Students will test how various starters and fermentation techniques affect flavor and appearance in a hands-on environment. Hands on: starting a sourdough culture, sourdough with different flours, ciabatta bread, Challah, and more...

Viennoiserie I: Croissants, Danish, and Brioche

The interest in laminated dough such as Croissant, Danish and Brioche is rising considerably and the quality of Viennoiserie in America is finally starting to catch up to the quality of well-crafted artisan breads.
