2 Days In-person Class Viennoiserie for Home Baker

Ever wondered how to create crisp, flaky croissants at home, or a light and tender brioche? Take this intensive two-day course and learn how to make various viennoiserie items. In […]

ライブ配信レッスン:基本のサワードウ Basic Sourdough Online Class in Japanese

Virtual Event Virtual Event

San Francisco Baking Institute (SFBI)のライブ配信レッスンへようこそ! このレッスンでは、基本のサワードウの作り方を一から説明します。粉由来の微生物を利用して長時間発酵させたパンであるサワードウは、必要な材料や道具はとてもシンプル。ですがその分、生地の扱い方や温度管理の正確さにパンの出来が左右され、そこがサワードウ作りの魅力でもあります。サワードウ作りははじめて!という方も大歓迎。もちろん作ったことがある方も、ぜひご参加ください。 このクラスはデモンストレーションのみです。質問やコメントは、クラス中に随時受け付けて講師ができる限り返答します。このライブ発信の動画はアーカイブされ、クラス後一週間は最視聴が可能です。 参加者は、レッスンの中で使われるものと同じ材料や道具をSFBIのウェブサイトで購入できます。(なお、材料の発送は米国内に限らせていただきます。道具につきましては海外発送が可能です。)   Available but not mandatory to purchase to attend: 以下の購入は必須ではありません。 Ingredient Kit for Basic Sourdough Online Class (サワードウ材料キット): Price: $40 including shipping and […]


Viennoiserie I: Croissants, Danish, and Brioche

The interest in laminated dough such as Croissant, Danish and Brioche is rising considerably and the quality of Viennoiserie in America is finally starting to catch up to the quality […]


Artisan I: Systematic Approach to Bread

Artisan I: Systematic Approach to Bread: Learn the details of mixing, fermenting, shaping, and baking bread in this essential introductory course. The course covers baker’s math, ingredient selection and function, […]


Artisan II: Baking Sourdough, Levain and Wild Yeast

Artisan II: Baking Sourdough, Levain, and Wild Yeast: Artisan II builds off of all of the theory and skills learned in Artisan I and explores the intricacies of levain. Learn how […]


Online Baking Class: Basic Sourdough

This is SFBI’s first online class offered via Zoom, and it is perfect for beginner home bakers! Our baking and pastry instructor Miyuki Togi will be demonstrating every step of […]


Artisan I: Systematic Approach to Bread

Artisan I: Systematic Approach to Bread: Learn the details of mixing, fermenting, shaping, and baking bread in this essential introductory course. The course covers baker’s math, ingredient selection and function, […]


Artisan II: Baking Sourdough, Levain and Wild Yeast

Artisan II: Baking Sourdough, Levain, and Wild Yeast: Artisan II builds off of all of the theory and skills learned in Artisan I and explores the intricacies of levain. Learn how […]


2 Days In-person Class Viennoiserie for Home Baker

Ever wondered how to create crisp, flaky croissants at home, or a light and tender brioche? Take this intensive two-day course and learn how to make various viennoiserie items. In […]


Viennoiserie I: Croissants, Danish, and Brioche

The interest in laminated dough such as Croissant, Danish and Brioche is rising considerably and the quality of Viennoiserie in America is finally starting to catch up to the quality […]


Macaron Online Class

French macarons are colorful meringue-based cookies that have ganache or buttercream filling. They are one of the challenging pastries to make, as the quality is greatly affected by the mixing […]


Online Baking Class: Ciabatta

This is a live-streaming class via Zoom, and it is perfect for beginner home bakers! Our baking and pastry instructor Miyuki Togi will be demonstrating every step of making a […]
